Category: Energy & Recovery

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Vitamin D for mothers and babies and everyone else

Now is the time of the year to start taking vitamin D for me, you and everyone else from babies to the […]
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Taurine – the established benefits for energy, repair and mood

Taurine is a great benefit for good health Discovered in the 1800s Taurine has been added to processed foods, and […]
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Time for a spring clean and detox

Are you up for a spring clean and detox for your mood and wellbeing? We grow, mature in spring and […]
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Flexi-Breathe for healthy lungs

Natural support for chest & lung health. Flexi-Breathe Lemon & Ginger Syrup, Try this tasty, effective and natural support for […]
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Relief from Post Viral Fatigue

You are not alone if you are experiencing fatigue & need relief from Post Viral Fatigue & other symptoms. Symptoms generally include poor energy, sluggish thinking and detoxification, increased inflammation & mood changes.
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What to do about stress and burnout

Stress , burnout, exhaustion and fatigue are way to common producing a physical and psychological burden that significantly impacts day-to-day […]
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Lockdown is a great time to discover the herbs in your garden

Kia Ora Bodywise people So here we are again in level 4. We do hope you are going well in […]
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Healthy Happy Kids and Teens

The fundermental rule about food is simple, provide food that looks like it came from Mother Nature. After the first […]
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How to increase your iron levels

Iron Deficiency Anaemia Globally Iron Deficiency Anaemia is a big problem. The most common cause for many people is maintaining […]
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Fatigued wired and tired – how to become empowered and happy

Are you tired of feeling fatigued, wired and tired – help is at hand so read on Firstly, you are […]
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Does hay-fever make you feel tired?

Hay-fever season is upon us already and may be getting you down and feeling really tired Along with itchy eyes […]
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Herbal Relief for Coughs and Colds

Herbal medicines and a few specific nutritional supplements help us deal with seasonal chills and ills that sweep through a […]
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Training for a marathon, adventure race or just to get moving?

Here are a few ways to support your body while you train to be your best and perhaps live energised […]
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Remedy Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome

Do you suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections or constant symptoms of UTI and nothing appears to resolve them? You […]
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Cool Tips to avoid dehyration for a Very Hot Summer!

Its a very hot summer and many of us are suffering from symptoms of dehydration. Here are some thoughts on […]
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Helpful tips for a healthy festive season

If you are worried about the effects of too much rich food and alcohol, then here are some helpful tips? Firstly, back […]
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Ways to relieve the symptoms prevent relapse of shingles

Shingles is not fun and can become a far more serious condition than chicken pox. The good news is that from our Bodywise Herbal […]
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Yoga for lunch?

28 July 2016
Join us upstairs at Bodywise for yoga and lunch, on Wednesdays to lift your energy and release the stress in […]
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Herbs for injuries, sports injuries

Sports injures – help is at hand We all know of hot and cool packs for our bruised and sore […]
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Take lunch outside to improve work performance

Be Bodywise: Reduce stress, improve work performance and health by taking lunch outside. Are you tempted to eat lunch at […]
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