Herbs for injuries, sports injuries

Sports injures – help is at hand
We all know of hot and cool packs for our bruised and sore limbs after a day of sports,  but what else is there? The following medicinal herbs and homeopathic remedies can promote the healing of bruises, deep tissue and bone injuries when applied topically.
  • Arnica is great for acute physical shock and injuries such as bruises, head injuries and soft tissue damage associated with fractures.
  • Comfrey root, (Symphytum) or knit bone, is known for decreasing inflammation and promoting the deep tissue healing, and of broken bones.
  • Cayenne pepper applied topically improves blood circulation to the area, further promoting healing by providing nutrients required for the repair of damaged tissue.
  • Vitamin A,C and Zinc are important nutrients involved in the healing process.
Come into Bodywise to check out our great range of healing creams, gels, and ointments for those days out on the sports field.

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