Category: Reproduction & Urinary

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Vitamin D for mothers and babies and everyone else

Now is the time of the year to start taking vitamin D for me, you and everyone else from babies to the […]
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Chronic bladder infections may be minimised with herbal and nutritional medicine

For many women, some men, the elderly and even our pets, their daily lives are a struggle due to chronic […]
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Relief for menopause with herbs and supplements

Make Menopause a Cool Transition Firstly – grab a drink and settle somewhere quiet to get acquainted with our take […]
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Dietary and lifestyle advice for women young and old

Dietary Advice for women young and old Supplements are just that. They do not replace a highly nutritious plant-based diet. […]
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Focus on Menopause

Welcome Bodywise People and more ….. read on
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How to treat nipple pain when breastfeeding

Do you need relief for painful nipples during breast feeding – often worse during winter Cold weather can lead to […]
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Womens Health

PMT and hormonal imbalance PMT and hormonal imbalance such as endometriosis, heavy menstruation, polycystic ovaries, insulin resistance, heavy periods and […]
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Long Live Healthy Men – Mens Health

On average, men are living longer but generally do not outlive their women.  Most of our mens health issues, especially in the middle […]
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How to treat bacterial vaginosis

We can show you how you can have find relief from troublesome bacterial vaginosis, (BV). Our naturopaths offer a few […]
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Relief from symptoms of menopause

Is your climate changing? The years leading up to and beyond menopause can be really difficult for many women and […]
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Remedy Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome

Do you suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections or constant symptoms of UTI and nothing appears to resolve them? You […]
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PMS in teen girls can be treated

We can use herbal medicine to relieve our teen girls of PMS and period pain A healthy menstrual cycle for […]
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What can be done to relieve Endometriosis

Endometriosis – is a complex chronic condition many young women suffer from early teens. Thankfully there have been new developments […]
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Allery to pollen may change your thinking

The pollen season in upon us again and an allergy to pollen may affect your brain function and your thinking What […]
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Vitex helps relieve premenstrual symptoms

The life changing herb Vitex has been used for generations in India and Europe and is the angel herb for calming and […]
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Relief from Period Pain – Herbal Treatment

Period pain is a painful reality for 90% of women yet few seek health advice thinking it is normal. It […]
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Balance hormones naturally

You can balance hormones naturally Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands such as your thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles […]
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