Wellness Blog

Wellness, Isn’t that what we all aspire to! From weight loss to general health, wellness can be within the reach of nearly all of us! For some that means maintaining optimum health and wellbeing while for others wellness means managing chronic health issues while engaging in and enjoying family, friends, work, leisure and recreation.
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Nit Picking

For as long as humans have congregated in groups, lice have been around us. Lice or Louse lay eggs called […]
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Long Live Healthy Men

On average, men are living longer but generally do not outlive their women.  Many health issues facing men in their […]
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Balance hormones naturally

You can balance hormones naturally Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands such as your thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles […]
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Bodywise is nominated for Top Shop in Nelson

13 August 2014
                Sally and the team at Bodywise are feeling chuffed as some lovely […]
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Yummy Spicey Pumpkin Porridge

  This is the most yummy breakfast for the whole family that meets all our needs: taste, texture, a broad range […]
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Dry eyes to bright eyes

We love the Dr.Hauschka Eye Contour Balm Dry eyes, inflammation or allergic skin reactions around the eyes are calmed with […]
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Dr Hauschka’s Natural Makeup and Skincare

If it’s Natural Makeup and Skincare that you want then do come to Bodywise and experience our great range of natural but […]
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How to spot the difference between real and fake natural cosmetics

Look for a logo from an independent organic certifying body. The labels that matter in New Zealand and Australia are: […]
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Gifts with purchases for the Bodywise community

Our way to say thank you for your support of Bodywise is via our Bodywise club “$20 thank you vouchers”. […]
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Ladies of Nelson! Discover the secrets of beauty from the inside out

Explore the naturally healthy and beautiful makeup and skin care ranges at Bodywise Dr. Hauschka latest stunning makeup Learn how […]
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Homeopathy is much more than placebo!

The European Journal of Integrative Medicine, February 2014, presented the following: “Homoeopathy in the public health system: Outcome data from […]
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