Set yourself up with a natural health kit at home
Going down with a bug never happens between 9 and 5. So getting prepared with a natural health kit at home and in your garden is time well spent.

At Bodywise our home kit includes common supplements such as Vitamin C, D3, Zinc. These all aid healing and assist our immune system to do the job its evolved to do, get us well. Want to read a paper on this?
Then we have the beautiful and well researched herbs that have properties that that help our body to fight infections. Our well known V-Ease Herbal Tonic contains many useful herbs and has been the go to for our Bodywise folk for the last decade. Right now our Stress Ease Tonic soothes and uplifts stressed minds and bodies. Instead of a glass or two of wine, try something far more productive.
From our dispensary we can tailor make for everyone:
- the very young
- pregnant and breastfeeding mums
- those on medications
- the elderly

The key is to have herbs at home for when you get that “I’m coming down with something” feeling or the worry and sleep loss is getting to you.
- Bring out the herbalist and gardener in you. You could do this with your kids, grandparents, teenagers, even partners.. maybe, flat-mates or at your work place… maybe.
- Plant a herb garden – Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender, Chamomile, Mint, Lemon balm, Kawa Kawa, Nasturtium, Manuka, Oregano and even Chives (garlic in winter) and some more Thyme. There are many more. Otherwise grab a bag of our ImmuniTea
- Stock up on powerful spices – Cinnamon, Cardamom, Ginger and Clove, even a little Chilly! – buy quality and organic if possible.
- Mushrooms are a tasty, meaty and full on immune supporting properties
- Go wild – but if you are starting your learning, make sure you have the right plant! You will find Marshmallow, Mullein, Hawthorn leaf or berry, Elderberry, and even tips of Spruce, Douglas fir, Cedar, Pine provide a refreshing aroma to congested nasal passages
- Get a probiotic, kefir, or your favourite fermented vegetables to keep your gut supported with healthy bacteria. Not too much mind you, more is definitely not better!
Take care with identification and any contra-indications with herbs, supplements, medicines or allergies. Know what and why you are taking them!
Lastly, its never about only taking natural medicine – go to you doctor before things get serious!
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