Keep your New Year’s resolutions by getting lots of sleep
The key to keeping your New Year’s resolutions is an early night, night after night: Lack of sleep wipes out willpower are the findings of recent research in the UK. So … Sleep, relax, and de-clutter your way to New Year’s resolution success.
You made some worthy goals yet already doubt you will get to the end of the month before you cave in! Here are the easiest, cheapest and most useful tips to help you succeed.
- Get more sleep. Keep your New Year’s resolutions by getting lots of sleep. As a nation we need more sleep and I would bet you do too. We’d all be happier and drink way less coffee if we could catch some more Z’s. So turn off your computer, the TV or that game and go to bed between 10 to 10.30pm for successful sleep cycles to wake at 7am. As for children, their health, growth and learning ability depend on it.
- Let the sunshine in to lift the happy chemicals in your brain and obtain some vitamin D. This is especially important for office workers. So instead of the café for lunch, take a picnic and go to a park bench. You will oxygenated the brain walking there, connect with nature and lower the stress levels and choose to eat food that you prepared which is of course extremely healthy! Your mental health will thank you for it
- Clear your clutter at home and work and donate the old stuff to others in need – another double gift, firstly to yourself by creating space in your environment and therefore your mind while giving to others. Both relieve stress and free your energy.
- Find quiet time, alone to recharge and centre yourself. Daily we are surrounded by so much noise… traffic, the phone, the computer, television, radio… it gets hard to think. Everyone needs down time, if only for a few minutes.
- Make peace inside of yourself and with others. Forgive and move on. (You don’t need to tell them they are forgiven if you don’t want to.) Forgive so you can heal.
- Energise – Sing, dance, walk, and swim. Whatever and whenever the urge strikes and sees it as a time to let yourself go!
- Stayed connected with friends and family and phone or face to face in real time as opposed to the web.
- Practice random acts of kindness each day by; lightening someone else’s load, offering genuine compliments when impressed, listening to an older folk’s story – you may be moved not to mention surprised what you may learn.
- Eat like your pre-agrarian ancestors lots of vegetables, small amounts of fruit, few grains, small amounts of proteins and fats and every time you feel hungry or tired drink water first!
- Yes here it is again: Get more sleep. You will be happier, healthier and more productive.
So, now you have tools that will invigorate you and enable the steps to discipline to make success the goals you made as New Year’s resolutions
If you have trouble getting into a good sleep pattern, phone our naturopath for a chat or come and see us at Bodywise for useful sleep inducing herbs and supplements. May you sleep your way to success!
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