Exasperated by winter coughs, croup and asthma – herbs to the rescue!

Herbs for Asthma, Croup & Coughs

Herbs for Asthma, Croup & Coughs

Exasperated by winter coughs, croup and asthma – herbs to the rescue at Bodywise.

Many parents feels helpless when faced with croup and asthma, but thankfully there are many herbs that reduce the spasmodic cough and wheezing allowing everyone to get some sleep. Herbal medicine can be used by infants and children, all the way to the elderly and their susceptibility to chest problems.

At Bodywise we can tailor make a herbal tincture to meet your needs.  While we may know of the common herbs there are many others including the following that have antiasthmatic, bronchodilating and expectorant activities and importantly antiallergenic actions that calm the immune response to any environmental stressors that effect the respiratory airways.  Read more here and then come into Bodywise for a liquid mix of herbs unique to your or your child’s situation.



Adhatoda has antiasthmatic, bronchodilation and expectorant activities. Assists breathing by making the sputum in the airways more fluid, enabling a productive cough. This herb is also recommended for long term use in adults and children.



Grindelia is an expectorant herb with bronchospasmolutic activity, is recommended for the treatment of spasmodic respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.


Baical Skullcap

Baical skullcap is traditionally used in respiratory disorders with coughs and fevers. This herb has constituents which reduce histamine production in the body. Therefore Baical skullcap demonstrates antiasthmatic and antiallergenic actions.


Sundew, also known as Drosera

Sundew has antispasmodic, bronchial muscle relaxant and anti-asthmatic actions. This herb helps relax the muscles in the chest and lungs, and is therefore supportive in respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and dry, painful coughs.


For scientific references please contact Bodywise

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