Nutrition for a happy heart is not really a great mystery

Key point: Healthy blood sugar metabolism maximises our cardiovascular health and makes for a happy heart

The foods that we humans are designed to eat come from a diet rich in raw fruits, (4 portions daily) and all colorful vegetables (6 portions daily), including wholegrains, low gluten wheats and oats, a variety of lentils and legumes.

Add a few portions of fish and seafood per week, small portions of lean meats (pasture fed), small handfuls of sprouted nuts & seeds, avocados and olive oil, herbs and spices as have been used across the globe for thousands of years.

All vegetables and fruits are very high in the minerals, calcium, magnesium and potassium that are vital for alkalizing our body and providing key minerals for healthy electrolyte balance and a healthy cardio vascular system.

All natural foods are superfoods and will provide an abundance of minerals and vitamins if fresh, raw or lightly steamed to preserve vitamins. Eating foods that represent all the colours of the rainbow with every meal from tiny infants to old age will provide all the vitamins and minerals we need to maintain good health. While organic is ideal, what is most important is that you eat healthy food. Frozen foods may get bad press, however in most cases the vegetables are harvested at the optimum time and frozen in high powered conditions that reduce the risk of loss of colour and nutritional value. These also make for ease of use when life is at full speed.

Drink Water, the elixir of life. Water supports hydrates all our cells and is involved in everybody function including the removal of waste from the lymphatic system.


Supplements to assist the body, while you eat beautiful colorful food

Sometimes the body will restore health more quickly with supplements specific to the needs of the body and mind. Here are a few essentials and are available in the appropriate form from Bodywise

Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium in the appropriate form acts as a relaxant, helping to reduce feelings of stress, and assists regulation blood sugar levels.

Omega 3 EPA/DHA – anti-inflammatory, lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides

Co-enzyme Q10 – antioxidant, increases energy in heart muscle

Vitamin B complex and in particular B6, B9 and B12 – to reduce homocysteine levels, which are a threat to cardiovascular health

Antioxidants – Grapeseed extract, Vitamins C & E quench free radicals

NAD and Lipoic acid – enhance cellular energy and help maintains normal blood sugar levels

Boost your immune system to protect yourself from viral, bacterial and fungal infections using liquid herbs


What to avoid… Everything else, 90% of the time!

Refined sugar and flour found in cakes, biscuits, sweets, canned or packaged foods, including more than a glass of wine or equivalent daily, and coffee

Caffeine, artificial additives, hydrogenated and saturated fats found in takeaways, margarine, fried foods, packaged foods.


General Lifestyle Tips

Understand your risk profile with a combination of assessments such as BMI, hydration levels, BP, pulse, weight and your waist measurement. If you feel you want to skip the above, find all the clothes in your wardrobe you cannot fit anymore! Here is a general guideline.

Men and women are at risk of all diseases if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (102 cms) for men and greater than 35 inches (89 cms) for women.

Discover and manage stress triggers and work/play balance, with fun activities and companionship. Feelings of loneliness, despondency, inferiority etc. all trigger stress. We can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. The question is why?

Learn about mindfulness, meditation and yourself so that you have a clear idea what we want and how to get what we want and let go of what is not serving us.

Exercise 30 minutes daily, at a pace that makes you breath moderately fast, yet you can still talk preferably in fresh air and sunshine

Exchange fat mass for muscle mass, especially for all those with insulin resistance, by using weights or your body weight for strength training. In general, you may enhance cardiovascular health and reduce your blood pressure by about 1 millimetre of mercury (mm Hg) with each kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of weight you lose. For tips, read the nutrition guide above and then get moving.

Sleep, the great restorer. Find 7- 8 hours per night (preferably starting by 10pm) and make time for a nap on the weekends. This lowers a stress levels and in particular cortisol that when elevated ensures you gain weight.

Want to know more? Drop into Bodywise and speak with our naturopath Bridget or give us a call on 03 5468611

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