What we think is what we become. 

The on going chatter we all have within our mind can make or break us. The nature of this internal dialogue (chat) is the difference between who and where you are now, and who you want to become and the life you wish to live. Every person has a childhood of highs and lows that may determine what mindset you have arrived at today. To discover your self-worth and create a useful chatter and mindset will immediately start to change your behaviour and the direction of your life.

The following mindsets will radically improve your work, study, parenting, health and life.

Every new challenge is worth it if you move forward and are rewarded for it in a meaningful way.

Love your gut by being honest about what you eat

Heartburn or indigestion can be painful and people are encouraged to take drugs to reduce HCL, our stomach acid. There are other options.

The naturopathic practice is to encourage mindful food habits and promote digestion instead of depleting it!

The foods you eat send messages to your genes telling them what to do—creating health or disease. 

The most powerful tool you have to change your health is YOU and food is the fastest acting and powerful medicine to change your life, right now! Eat a little protein with each meal along with fresh and raw vegetables and fruit, reduce or eliminate coffee, and only use real coffee. Avoid grains and alcohol. Eat like our ancient ancestors (all humans prior to approx. 7000 BC), who survived without grains and dairy. Eat small meals especially in the evening.

Step 2.  Take time to eat slowly, with gratitude and go to bed earlier.  Eat dinner by 7pm. Turn off the TV and computer and get to bed earlier. Your body will appreciate not having to digest large amounts food while sleeping and can get on with restoring and maintaining health.  Tilt the head of your bed a few inches above your feet using bricks or blocks but not pillows that will hurt the neck.

Step 3.  Practice a relaxation strategy. Stress and anxiety can worsen reflux symptoms. Drink a calming herbal tea like our Rest and Relax tea from Artemis or make one from out range of single teas.

Step 4.  Thyme Heal’s Indigestion Mix effectively combines herbs that improve the speed and efficiency of digestion and reduce reflux, bloating and cramping. Chew DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) before or between meals and at bedtime. Consider slippery elm. It can heal irritated digestive tract tissues.

Step 5.  Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, mostly between meals.

Step 6.  Avoid stimulants. Caffeinated beverages, coffee (including decaffeinated coffee), tobacco and other stimulants can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

Step 7. Take an appropriate and quality probiotic to encourage the bacteria that promote digestion and ultimately your immunity.

Step 8. Lose weight and get gentle daily exercise.

At Bodywise we will aid your digestion and unlike Losec and Antacids that inhibit these very important functions. Come into Bodywise  and ask us about what dietary guidelines and herbs you can take before your digestion gets really problematic.

Email us now to arrange a consultation with a Naturopath

Kennel cough cured!

Kennel cough cured!

Gorgeous doggy, Paddington Bear cured of kennel cough by a homeopathic remedy from Bodywise

His lovely mother took Paddington to the local vet due kennel cough which is a form of Pertussis or whooping cough, dog style. The vet rolled his eyes when mother said that she would find a “natural” method to try to stop treat the cough. Mother contacted Bodywise and we offered Drosera, as a homeopathic medicine.

Mother reported back 2 days later ” the cough went after the second dose!. Now we are told that homeopathy does not work!. We would disagree. Remember Drosera for whooping cough and kennel cough, for humans and dogs!

email or phone us now to order your bottle of Drosera of Kennel Cough


Bodywise stocks Stevia Leaf – Natures answer for a sweet tooth

Stevia, used for over 1500 years, is 100x sweeter than sugar with no calories!

Stevia, used for over 1500 years, is 100x sweeter than sugar with no calories!

Is there another plant on our earth like Stevia? Well after 1,500 years of use in Paraguay we think Stevia has stood the test of time. The leaves are a delicious and nutritious food, a fantastic no calorie sweetener, an incredible external and internal medicine, and when gently extracted into a tea, is wonderful for smoothing wrinkles, softening and beautifying the skin and healing blemishes and sores.

The active photochemical in stevia leaves, stevioside, is at least one hundred times sweeter than sugar. Stevia is an exceptional aid in weight loss and weight management as it contains no calories and reduces cravings for sweets, fatty foods and appetite when 10 or 15 drops are taken 20 minutes before meals. Stevia may even reset the hunger mechanisms in people where the pathway between the hypothalamus and the stomach has become obstructed.

 Stevia tea or to make a concentrate to sweeten any meal where you may otherwise use sugar.

  1. Place 1/2 teaspoon of dried stevia in a teapot or saucepan.
  2. Fill the teapot with a 1/2 to 1 cup of boiling water.
  3. Cover and let let steep 2-3 minutes.
  4. Serve in your prettiest cups for breakfast, to sweeten natural uncooked muesli and fruit or use as a concentrate in baking and deserts.
  5. Experiment to find the dosage for your needs, Note it is 100x stronger that sugar!

At Bodywise we have an extensive range of lovely herbal teas, come and try a cup and discover a whole new world of lovely flavours with great health benefits.

At Bodywise we encourage you to be kind to your body & soul by reducing stress

Stress is the most often cited link to feeling unwell and all health problems from immunity to depression, hormonal imbalances to inflammation, and problem behaviour to obesity. In an era of abundant stressors from excess food and alcohol to overwork, inadequate sleep and down time, never mind big calamities, is it any wonder we may lose our way. When overwhelm and anxiety lead to stress, take control by choosing and practicing a thought/action that will positively reward you and alleviate the situation. YOU can be in charge of your reactions!

The human fight/ flight response has evolved as a protective primal instinct to remove us from life-threatening situation. However the same mechanism is encountered as a result of modern life’s hectic pace to be on time, reach our goals and to meet standards our culture may expect of us. This starts very early in life as children and continues as we navigate our way through often overwhelming situations and can be character building or detrimental to our wellbeing. Too often, when stressed, our bodies operate in a state of panic and this takes its toll both mentally and physically.

When stressed, a host of biological processes are activated so that you can operate on high alert. Your digestion slows and breathing, heart rate and blood pressure increase, mental clarity reduces and adrenaline is distributed throughout the body to prepare you to run away. This is process uses plenty of energy and therefore lots of nutrients, and can leave you exhausted and deflated.

Here are some tools so you may utilise stress as friend to mobilise you but not overwhelm you.

Be kind to body & soul by taking a journey of self-awareness

You are your best physician (or an advocate for a child) and can help heal yourself. Knowing when you are feeling helpless or agitated may result in more stress toward yourself and those around you, so understanding your triggers and learning what you can do to mitigate your own stress response are key self enhancement tools.

So what are the stressors? Here are some questions to think about.

  1. Is there a pattern to feelings of stress?
  2. How do your work and relationships affect you?
  3. Do you procrastinate or practice avoidance, and if so, sort what’s holding you back?
  4. Have you regularly eaten too little or too much, if so why?
  5. Does your mood affect others, if so what are you doing to help yourself?
  6. How easily can you accept others with differing opinions?
  7. Do you often skip exercise and then find sleep difficult?
  8. Are you woken at night by snoring, road noise or for teenagers, texting all hours?
  9. Do you allow yourself to see to your own needs first so that you can serve others better?
  10. Are you really listening to those dearest to you?
  11. Are you afraid of asking for guidance or help?
  12. Can you take time to chill regularly?
  13. Are you avoiding health or relationship issues because you are worried where they are leading?

I am sure you now have some thoughts going around. Listen to them, write the most pressing concerns down and then make a plan to find ways to sort them. If answers do not come easily that’s fine, now you know you need some guidance and there are plenty at your local community centre who can head you in the right direction. Also try your doctor, naturopath, counsellor, bank, gym or anyone in a relevant field. In other words go on a journey of self-discovery and get sorted. It will lift your spirit to know you are doing something, one kindly step at a time!

Be kind to body & soul by eating really, really well; the right fuel is key physically and mentally.

 Tip; prepare double portions at mains meals and make one of those portions into lunch, as a soup or salad for the next day. Saves; money, time and you eat a great lunch!


Be kind to body & soul by being active.

Oxygen is also a fuel so diarise an enjoyable burst of exercise to dispose of all that adrenaline waiting in the muscles to be used, reducing nervous energy and eliminating the destructive cycle of stress. Exercise will also promote circulation, remove wastes, reduce insulin resistance (the precursor to diabetes) and promote the wonderful feeling of from the release of endorphins and mental clarity follows.


Be kind to body & soul by de-cluttering mind and your environment

The art of growing from a young un to an elder is not just about just learning how to make friends, money or a career, it is also about learning to accept yourself and others and loving yourself for all that you are, as they say “warts and all”.

Some people show us how we do not want to be, so giving yourself permission to say no to people whose behaviour or expectations do not align with your own will lift you spirit and reduce your stress.  That is a life-changing thought for many.

De-cluttering our physical environment can also lift our energy. So sell or gift away the excess baggage at home and work.

Be kind to body & soul through hobbies, relaxation, meditation and sleep

We can be active or passive relaxers. The active ones may cook, paint, walk, fish, garden, taichi, yoga etc. The passive ones will enjoy yin yoga, or meditation. There are many health benefits from meditation, the most important being stress-reduction, lower blood pressure, reduced levels of the stress hormones.

Simply focusing on your breath is an easily accessible method of meditating especially if you can look out into a beautiful vista and be undisturbed for even 5 minutes. Sit in a comfortable position, breathing deeply until you feel a clearing of your mind where your thoughts drift past like the breeze or clouds in the sky. Meditation involves observing your thoughts, but not engaging with them unlike when you concentrate your thinking. If you find yourself engaging your thoughts, gently return to your breathing without reprimanding yourself. Meditation provides a level of self-control and self-awareness that is powerful in counteracting the stress response.

However you switch off, it will happen more easily if it is not on your “To Do” list. Grab a few minutes anywhere, any time, breathe by focusing on a lovely painting, a great view or a flow pot. If you can get outside and on to a lawn, beside a river or the seaside, all the better. Even if you only have 5 minutes just tell your body and mind you have been there for hours. Imagine you have had such a lovely period of relaxation. Imagine how the tension in your body has decreased, the mind has cleared while you keep breathing. With a little practice the body won’t really know the difference in how long you have been sitting quietly

Be kind to body & soul through mindfulness and gratitude

Deliberately counting our blessings has a truly uplifting effect on our mood and mental endurance.

A diary can be your happy place to record the achievements and gratitude for the day just passed (never mind how difficult) and the prospects for the day ahead. Our mental and emotional wellbeing gets a lift and this quite naturally reduces our stress levels. By taking some time out to make a note of the days blessings followed by some deep breathing, and conscious muscle relaxation last thing before sleep, could be the kindest action you deliver to your body and soul each night and each morning.

Sleep well & be well!


Take the first steps now and contact us with your question!



Only the best quality fish oil supplements at Bodywise

Are you taking the best quality fish oils supplements available. Beware the cheap ones are cheap for a reason!

This week the media publicised research from Auckland university that have exposed the problems with the lack of regulations around fish oil supplements and the poor quality of the bulk fish oils on the market in NZ and Australia.

Thankfully there are a few brands that are in a class of their own being the best quality fish oil supplements with regard to quality, freshness and potency. Our first pick is…

Nordic Naturals have:

This link also talks about Nordic Naturals processing http://www.nordicnaturals.com/en/FAQs_portal/FAQs_Group_5/637

The Nordic Natural Brand – has many specialist products and we can provide the best advice on the best value for your individual needs.

Email  or Phone us to discuss the best option for you – 03 5468611

Greetings to all from Bodywise, we trust 2015 is going to offer great health and fulfilling fun, work and community. As we are all tempted to make New Year resolutions here are some interesting facts to help you keep on the desired track.

The key to keeping your New Year’s resolutions is an early night, night after night: Lack of sleep wipes out willpower are the findings of recent research in the UK. So … Sleep, relax, and de-clutter your way to New Year’s resolution success.

You made some worthy goals yet already doubt you will get to the end of the month before you cave in!  Here are the easiest, cheapest and most useful tips to help you succeed.

  1. Get more sleep. Keep your New Year’s resolutions by getting lots of sleep. As a nation we need more sleep and I would bet you do too. We’d all be happier and drink way less coffee if we could catch some more Z’s. So turn off your computer, the TV or that game and go to bed between 10 to 10.30pm for successful sleep cycles to wake at 7am. As for children, their health, growth and learning ability depend on it.
  2. Let the sunshine in to lift the happy chemicals in your brain and obtain some vitamin D. This is especially important for office workers. So instead of the café for lunch, take a picnic and go to a park bench. You will oxygenated the brain walking there, connect with nature and lower the stress levels and choose to eat food that you prepared which is of course extremely healthy! Your mental health will thank you for it
  3. Clear your clutter at home and work and donate the old stuff to others in need – another double gift, firstly to yourself by creating space in your environment and therefore your mind while giving to others. Both relieve stress and free your energy.
  4. Find quiet time, alone to recharge and centre yourself. Daily we are surrounded by so much noise… traffic, the phone, the computer, television, radio… it gets hard to think. Everyone needs down time, if only for a few minutes.
  5. Make peace inside of yourself and with others. Forgive and move on. (You don’t need to tell them they are forgiven if you don’t want to.) Forgive so you can heal.
  6. Energise – Sing, dance, walk, and swim. Whatever and whenever the urge strikes and sees it as a time to let yourself go!
  7. Stayed connected with friends and family and phone or face to face in real time as opposed to the web.
  8. Practice random acts of kindness each day by; lightening someone else’s load, offering genuine compliments when impressed, listening to an older folk’s story – you may be moved not to mention surprised what you may learn.
  9. Eat like your pre-agrarian ancestors lots of vegetables, small amounts of fruit, few grains, small amounts of proteins and fats and every time you feel hungry or tired drink water first!
  10. Yes here it is again: Get more sleep. You will be happier, healthier and more productive.

So, now you have tools that will invigorate you and enable the steps to discipline to make success the goals you made as New Year’s resolutions

If you have trouble getting into a good sleep pattern, phone our naturopath for a chat or come and see us at Bodywise for useful sleep inducing herbs and supplements. May you sleep your way to success!

There are natural ways to heal your skin that you may not have heard about!

A healthy skin’s normal function is to provide a protective barrier, maintain body temperature, keep us from drying out and importantly excrete body wastes. Therefore, it stands to reason, that the following factors can play a major role in the health of our largest organ – our skin.

Acne and Acne Rosacea

Acne and an adult version called Acne Rosacea is a skin condition characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, inflamed red pimples, pustules and for some cysts that develop under the skin. While predominantly visual on the face, the neck, chest and back can be involved. The location of acne is also important as part of the overall health profile and is associated with other concerns. Acne Rosacea predominantly affects the nose and cheeks and those who have depleted liver function.


How does Acne occur?

Acne occurs when the skins pores, become clogged. Pores open into a canal called a follicle that contains a hair and a sebaceous gland that secretes oil. When glands produce too much oil, the pores can become blocked, accumulating dirt, debris, and bacteria. The blockage is called a plug or comedone or “ Zit”. If the pimple bursts, oil and bacteria can spread across the skin causing an inflammatory reaction. If the inflammation is deep in your skin, the pimples may enlarge to form a firm, painful cyst.

Causes of Acne:

Why use Natural treatment – How We Help!

We ‘re offer a Free Zinc Test (zinc is often a common deficiency in those suffering from acne.)

Did you Know? A medical herbalist and naturopath…

Dr.Haushcka Skin Care for oily and problematic skin

 Clarifying Face Care Kit

for oily, blemished and combination skin

This special selection is aimed at skin conditions that are yearning for balance – enjoy a little harmonising care.  daily-face-care-kit-for-oily-impure-skin


10 ml Cleansing Cream

10 ml Clarifying Toner

5 ml Clarifying Day Oil

5 ml Melissa Day Cream

10 ml Clarifying Steam Bath

10 g Clarifying Clay Mask

5 ml Revitalising Mask

For long term results, make an appointment with a Bodywise medical herbalist and naturopath. Treatment over the counter will not cover your unique health requirements. Healing the body and therefore the acne can take a few months.  


Mother treating daughter's hair against lice

For as long as humans have congregated in groups, lice have been around us. Lice or Louse lay eggs called “nits”. Lice infestations have become a cyclical problem in schools and according to recent research, head lice are becoming resistant to insecticides such as the pyrethrums and pyrethroids found in most commonly used anti-lice solutions. Transmission is via head-to-head contact and is not associated with hygiene.

A few facts…

So what do you do?

Firstly, while you may instantly get a psychological itch, take a deep breath and let go of all preconceived ideas of stigma around being seen as unclean or not a good parent. Head lice infestation is an unpleasant inconvenience found on clean or dirty hair. This is a worldwide problem that affects every community.

Your options.

  1. A number 1 haircut: This is a whole lot easier for boys, it might not be as acceptable to girls so you may need to reach an agreement over a trendy short haircut!
  2. “Nit picking”: This is easiest using a lice comb combined with one of the nit-loosening lotions so you can actually remove nits without pulling hair out!

Following the Nit Picking Route.

  1. We love Thyme Heal’s Lice Treatment. A gentle, safe and pleasant smelling preparation recommended for the eradication of head lice, containing a blend of essential oils that are effective but not to strong and suitable for children and sensitive scalps. Our customers say that the treatment provides better protection against re-infestation than standard treatments.
  2. Getting ready for a treatment. Make sure that your child’s basic needs are met. Fed, watered, been to the toilet and then prepare them by telling them what is going to happen and agree to some form of distraction while hair is being treated.
  3. Before applying treatment. Take you child outside and get them to bend over and brush their hair with their head upside down to remove tangles and any lice that are easily dislodged. When ready get your child comfortable in front of the TV or some other agreed distraction.
  4. Using the Thyme Heal Lice Treatment. Massage into hair and scalp for 3 minutes, cover the hair with glad wrap (or any plastic sheeting) and a warm towel and leave for 1 hour.
  5. Apply enough lotion to the head. Do not waste your time and money by not providing enough coverage. Use at least one small bottle (50ml) to treat a single head. Young children and those with thinner hair may need less, but long thick hair may require more. To spread the lotion evenly along the length of the hair make a small parting and apply a few drops along the hair. Repeat this process with other small sections until the whole scalp has been covered.
  6. Start Nit-Picking. After one hour, sit your child on a spread out newspaper. Remove the cling film and starting at the middle of the front of the scalp, comb the hair from the roots to the very end of the hair. Systematically part the hair from top front to back. After each stroke, remove any lice you find on the comb and place in rubbish. Continue combing section by section until you’ve done the whole head of hair. Cover every inch of the scalp, including the area just behind the ears and at the nape of the neck. Wash the hair with your normal shampoo and rinse.

Follow Up:

  1. The repetition of treatment is very important to break the cycle. Repeat in 1 week and then again in 2 weeks to eradicate any eggs that may have hatched in the interim.
  2. Meanwhile check every evening before bed using a fine comb. Removing the dark eggs which are right in the base of the hair shaft in the scalp is both tedious and traumatic. Useful but not essential. Getting out live lice is the important part. Research has found wet combing more effective than insecticides at curing head lice infestations. Combing through hair that is oiled or conditioned will be gentle and less traumatic for daily use.
  3. Each morning brush hair and tie up long hair. As the kids leave for school add a light layer of tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus or even a spray of a herbal insect repellent to their hair.
  4. Skin rashes need healing. Apply a gentle herbal healing cream to sensitive and raw areas. Initially any lotion will likely create some stinging sensation in the raw and broken skin but ask you child to breathe through it and keep them distracted. After a minute it should pass and then the itching will stop and the healing can begin. We recommend Thyme Heal’s Calendula cream.
  5. Get raw garlic into the family diet through foods such a pesto or dips, sauces and dressings. The bonus here is that garlic is so good for heart and immune health so include daily. There is strong anecdotal evidence that eating garlic can help to prevent mosquito bites so why not insects such as lice. If we eat enough garlic it seeps out through the pores of your skin. Some people think that this invisible layer of garlic oil might create a natural barrier cream. So any insects like mosquitoes or lice will think twice before taking a bite, just may be that will work for Lice.
  6. As a last resort an electrical method that electrocutes the lice using a Robi Comb that zaps the bugs directly is safe and easy to use. Ensure hair is well conditioned and dry!
  7. Check every other member of the family, including any adults who have close contact with the child. Treat as above however you may need 100 mls per adult.
  8. Be pro-active and not ashamed to tell the school and parents of any other child who may have had head-to-head contact with your child.

Remember this is an opportunity for quality time with your child. Look at this a constructive time for 1 on 1 contact. Dads and mums can use this time imaginatively to do homework or to read stories or to simply chat. Nits is really just another of life’s inconveniences that can be turned into an opportunity to socialise with you child – Happy Nit Picking!

On average, men are living longer but generally do not outlive their women.  Many health issues facing men in their middle years are preventable, so long as the early warning signs are acted upon before becoming either acute or chronic health problems. Men need to believe that this is a valuable use of their time and money and an investment in the future quality of life.

At Bodywise we are supportive of men and boys who wish to engage in a healthier lifestyles and treatment programmes. We encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in all men and boys. Men who enjoy looking after themselves are great role models for their boys.

While many men want a quick fix we encourage them to talk just a little about what is going on even when we get the “what is there to talk about? … “. We can then work out an appropriate treatment programme, using what Bodywise has to offer and other health professionals as needed.

Not surprisingly, the current economic recession has had a huge impact upon men’s (and women’s) work load, job security, status, income, spending, lifestyle, debt, sense of security and health.  Meanwhile the role and expectations of father’s have expanded and all these challenges add up. A sense of too little spare time may hamper the exercise and activities needed to discharge all the stress and keep fit.

Depression in males, young to old is becoming more apparent.  Men may not be aware that how they are feeling is both real and a sign their whole being is under pressure. The next step is how to ask for support and where to find it and this may feel both too difficult and an imagined sign of weakness.

Adolescent and young men, who consume alcohol and drugs recklessly, are generally at risk of showing signs of depression, fatigue and health issues. For them to be able to help themselves they somehow need to feel that they can call for help. There some wonderful supplements for lifting feelings of indifference or outright depression and anxiety like Valerian, St John’s Wort and L-theanine to name but a few.

By middle aged men may have woken up to find that their get up and go is not what it used to be and the pressures of family and work are getting on top of them. This stress may be compounded by marginal nutritional difficulties, weight gain and lack of fitness.  As symptoms associated with genetics and lifestyle emerges now is the time to take stock and look at the bigger picture and a holistic approach to the wellbeing. This is where the natural health perspective addresses the whole physiology and wellbeing.

We look forward to seeing you at Bodywise with any concerns you have or you can send a message to us if you have a question

You can balance hormones naturally

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands such as your thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles and pancreas.  The regulation of your hormone production is continuous and if your hormones become even slightly imbalanced it can cause major health issues. The most common side effects of hormone imbalance include:

Your digestive health plays a significant role in hormone regulation so if your diet and lifestyle has created a “ leaky gut” it can also cause hormone imbalance.

Turning to synthetic treatments such as hormone replacement therapy can create: dependency, mask symptoms and increase the risk of stroke, osteoporosis and cancer.

Here are the keys to balanced hormones without negative side effects

Get More Sleep

7 – 8 hours of sleep every night will do your body a great favour. Lack of sleep may be the worst habit people have that disrupts hormone balance.

Hormones work on a schedule and the stress hormone, cortisol is regulated at midnight. Going to bed late does not allow the body time to unwind from the flight/fight stress response. This creates more stress for the body and disrupting the hormonal system.  One hour of sleep between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. is equal to two hours of sleep before through other hours of the night. Managing our work load and levels of stress is therefore essential for busy people which leads to the next key point

Get out and about and use those muscles

20 – 30 minutes 3 – 4 time a week is at a pace that gets your heart rate up is all that’s needed to reduce stress levels, enhance your immune system, regulate metabolic function and keep you at the body weight your body was designed for. Add in yoga, Pilates, Taichi, gardening or whatever activity is useful to get out of the head and into the body.

Look after you digestive health and heal a “Leaky Gut”

Damage to your digestive health is caused by alcohol, processed foods, gluten, hydrogenated oils, and drugs such as anti-inflammatory drugs, emotional stress and infections. Impaired digestion leads to undigested food particles of food, like gluten, to leak through your gut wall into your blood stream creating inflammation of the entire body. People with leaky gut usually have a deficiency of the good bacteria, probiotics that are essential for producing vitamins that effect hormone levels like insulin.

The top foods and supplements that support the healing of a leaky gut include: bone broth, kefir, fermented vegetables, kombucha and fiber from vegetables. Supplementation with digestive enzymes and probiotics aid the repair of your gut lining, which ultimately improves nutritional uptake and balancing of hormones.

Coconut oil, avocados, grass-fed butter and wild caught salmon oil (available in tablet form) are the top essential fats that are the fundamental building blocks for hormone production; they speed up your metabolism and promote weight loss.

Adaptogens are a class of herbal medicines that promote hormone balance and boost immune function, and help us adapt to stress. There are a variety of these herbs and research has shown that they enhance hormone balance by:

Limit Caffeine

Drinking too much caffeine elevates your cortisol levels, lowers your thyroid hormone levels and creates an acidic environment in your body and is as bad as not getting enough sleep.

If you need a little boost, check on all of these key points, switch to 1-2 cups of green tea or tulsi tea, talk to a herbalist about adaptogens and nutritional supplements.

Supplement with Vitamin D3

Recent research suggests that Vitamin D3’s role in promoting human life is paramount. This is a big issue in NZ as we try to cover up to protect ourselves from the sun on one hand and otherwise spend most of our days indoors due to work commitments. Vitamin D is involved in immune system, insulin secretion, heart function and blood pressure regulation, brain and fetal development.

People who live in superficial light suffer more signs of depression and health disorders unless they supplement with around 2,000IU to 5,000IU daily of vitamin D3 on days they’re not in the sun.

Balance your fat intake: Omega-3/6 Ratio

The use of vegetable oil in our diets has rocketed from the 1:1 Omega-3/6 ratio our hunter-gather ancestors to 20:1 ratio for many people today resulting in an epidemic of chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer

Avoid: oils high in Omega-6s (safflower, sunflower, corn, cottonseed, canola, soybean and peanut) and load up on rich sources of natural Omega-3s (wild fish, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts and grass-fed animal products).

There is one type of Omega-6 fat, GLA you can include that supports healthy progesterone levels in women.  GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) taken as a supplement comes from evening primrose oil or borage oil and as a food source is also found in hemp seeds.

Detox your body by eliminating toxic kitchen and bathroom  cleaning and body care products and replace toxic make-up with natural make-up

Reduce toxins in your body by avoiding conventional body care products that are high in DEA, parabens, propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate. Check out EWG’s web site for the good to ugly on the cosmetic front. Remember to check your sunblock!

Due to BPA’s, replace plastic bottles and plastic wrap with glass or stainless steel bottles and containers, and replace teflon pans with stainless steel, ceramic or cast iron. All are better choices for hormonal health.

Minimise or eradicate the use of HRT, including male hormonal therapy and birth control pills

Finding a suitable contraceptive is always a challenge for women, however it has never been more important as “the pill” is HRT, elevating estrogen levels and is now deemed dangerous causing:

The hormone balancing saviour for most women is a combination of all the points listed here. Get professional advice to take combinations of herbal medicines to balance hormones, specifically Vitex, and all the herbs that are known to reduce stress and assist the liver with its naturally occurring detoxification processes. Supplementing with other specific nutrients is also required in many cases.

Link with hormonal therapy and cance research published in 2014:

Risk of Cancer with Combined Oral Contraceptive Use among Iranian Women.

Oral contraceptive use is the most common type of contraception. More than 300 million women worldwide take oral contraceptives every day. However, there is a concern about the relationship with the incidence of cancer. The use of oral contraceptives may triple the incidence of cervical cancer and doubles the incidence of breast cancer. Therefore, performing Pap smears every six months and breast cancer screening are warranted for long-term oral contraceptive users.


 Recent Oral Contraceptive Use by Formulation and Breast Cancer Risk among Women 20 to 49 Years of Age.

“results suggest that recent use of contemporary oral contraceptives is associated with an increased breast cancer risk, which may vary by formulation. If confirmed, consideration of the breast cancer risk associated with different oral contraceptive types could impact discussions weighing recognized health benefits and potential risks”. Cancer Res; 74(15); 4078-89. ©2014 AACR. ©2014 American Association for Cancer Research.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?cmd=search&term=Malone%20KE[au]&dispmax=50   Cancer Res. 2014 Aug 1;74(15):4078-89. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-3400.

In regard to fertility and contraception there are other methods available to oral contraceptives that will give you great control over a woman’s reproductive life through natural fertility specialist

For advice or a consultation please contact us.

Yeeha! voting has begun for Top Shop and Bodywise is a finalist! We thank you in anticipation!

Yeeha! voting has begun for Top Shop and Bodywise is a finalist!
We thank you in anticipation!









Sally and the team at Bodywise are feeling chuffed as some lovely people have nominated Bodywise for Top Shop—Nelson 2014. Thank you who ever you are!!! 

So please feel free to vote now by clicking here ….  Top Shop Vote Now    

online until Monday 25th August.

Our Naturopaths and natural health care providers are passionate about helping Nelsonians to be well and stay well. This is a great acknowledgement of our efforts.

Kind regards and here’s to your wellbeing.

Sally Grant



Spicey Pumpkin Oatmeal Porridge

Spicey Pumpkin Oatmeal Porridge

This is the most yummy breakfast for the whole family that meets all our needs: taste, texture, a broad range of nutrients with a warming and sustained release of energy and wonderful feeling of satisfaction.

The key to make this quick and easy is to use pre cooked pumpkin and oatmeal (or suitable replacements) nuts and seed soaked separately overnight. If you wish to be really organised, boil the pumpkin in suitable portion sizes and freeze until needed, taking out the night before to thaw. Use portion sizes that make sense for the number of people who you are cooking for.

Enjoy and be energised.

We love the Dr.Hauschka Eye Contour Balm

Dry eyes, inflammation or allergic skin reactions around the eyes are calmed with Dr.Hauschka’s Eye Contour Balm. 

Our Bodywise customers have experienced the most enduring relief after 24 -48 hours, using the tinest amounts. Dr.Hauschka is not just about beauty.

Our medical herbalists will also find a perfect solution to relieve the symptoms of hayfever

Dr Hauschka’s Eye Contour Day Balm contains plant oils and extracts that nourish delicate skin around the eyes which becomes dry with allergies, dry environments and as a result of ageing. This nourishing rich cream offers protection against external envorinmental influences while maintaining a firm and elastic appearance. Signs of redness, swelling and itching are quickly soothed.

Eye Balm supports elasticity, minimises the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and protects the delicate skin around the eyes. Skin is moisturised, firmed and fortified. Appropriate for all skin conditions.

The Indian herb Neem is a primary ingredient in Dr Hauschka’s Eye Contour Day Balm. Neem leaf is soothing and refreshing. It’s strengthening effect on keratin protein, makes for healthy nails hair and therefore healthy eyelashes

Formulation: Carrot, anthyllis, neem, beeswax, cocoa butter, silk and apricot kernel oil fortify, firm, moisturise and smooth the delicate eye area.

Skin condition:For all skin conditions.

Also come and experience the Daily Hydrating Eye and Regenerating Eye Cream.

Certified Natural by NATRUE

NATRUE certification ensures that a product has met the strongest criteria available for natural and organic ingredients in personal care products, as verified by an independent certifier


If it’s Natural Makeup and Skincare that you want then do come to Bodywise and experience our great range of natural but stylish makeup and skincare.

You can also book an appointment with our Dr.Hauschka who prepares, pampers and decorates lovely ladies with express facials. While in her care, …………will also massage your head, shoulders and hands and use aromatherapy.

If you too would like to experience the touch of nature on your face and then explore the contemporary colours of Dr.Hauschka’s make-up, then pop in and discover the secrets of Dr. Hauschka.

Phone to book right now!


Look for a logo from an independent organic certifying body. The labels that matter in New Zealand and Australia are: read more

Our way to say thank you for your support of Bodywise is via our Bodywise club “$20 thank you vouchers”. As a refresher, if you spend $300 dollars with in twelve months or less on any of our health or beauty products we will email your voucher to you.

Explore the naturally healthy and beautiful makeup and skin care ranges at Bodywise

Dr. Hauschka latest stunning makeup


Learn how feeding your skin from the inside and applying natural skincare daily has the power to provide lifelong vitality to your complexion and wellbeing. Then, drawing from our great range of natural make-up, we will demonstrate just how beautifully effective natural make-up will enhance your personal brand of style and beauty.

The European Journal of Integrative Medicine, February 2014, presented the following: “Homoeopathy in the public health system: Outcome data from the Homoeopathic Clinic of the Campo di Marte Hospital, Lucca, Italy (1998–2010) read more….
