Now is the time of the year to start taking vitamin D for me, you and everyone else from babies to the elderly.

Julia, our naturopath, always uses the Autumn Equinox as a reminder to start taking vitamin D now that the days are now getting shorter, and along with that, less sun exposure. And if you work or resided indoors for most of the year you will need Vitamin D all year round

Getting enough sun in Nelson to keep Vitamin D levels up over winter is not always easy. Being out in midday sun over the winter months, with enough skin exposed is important if you want to try and keep levels up naturally, however do make sure you are still protected if you are out for prolonged periods of time. Also, do not immediately go home after intentional exposure to the sun and shower as this washes away oils that absorb into the skin.

It can be a fine balance, especially if you work inside!

A 2018 study showed that out of 126 women and their babies tested in Otago, 65% of women and 76% of babies were deficient.

Vitamin D helps our immune system to function well, fighting off the ills and chills of winter and should be the first thing to think of if you notice you are getting sick more often over winter.

It also helps to regulate overactive immune systems. People who have autoimmune disease or skin complaints such as eczema do much better if their levels are higher than the average population.,after%20two%20years%20of%20supplementation.

Vitamin D is also very important for bone health. It works synergistically with vitamin K2 and magnesium to ensure calcium is stored in bones. We often recommend these three are taken together,. especially if our customers are at risk of osteoporosis.

For Dosing requirements: take at least 1 cap – 1000iu in the summer daily and 2 caps or 2000 iu from autumn to spring. For babies and children check with Bodywise for the dosing and options of capsules or liquid drops.

Taurine is a great benefit for good health

Discovered in the 1800s Taurine has been added to processed foods, and over recent decades to energy drinks that contain a high dose of caffeine to help maintain a regular heart rate!

In addition to supporting the normal function of the cardiovascular system Taurine has a host of health benefits for energy, repair and mood and is a useful supplement to medical and natural supplements.

Taurine is an essential amino acid (a building block for protein) found in foods such as meat, seafood, eggs, dairy products, and red algae. Taurine promotes proper muscle function in the excitatory tissues of the heart, brain, retina of our eyes and skeletal muscles. People who might not get enough taurine from diet alone can also take it as a supplement. For coffee drinkers that may seem a reasonable idea!

Taurine can help keep excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter signals in our brain and body balanced. Research shows its many actions across all body systems: Anti-inflammatory, energy metabolism, antioxidant, cellular membrane efficiency and mitochondrial energy. Taurine is useful for:

Taurine can be an aid for infants who are not breastfed, and children, during pregnancy and for the elderly.  This is important for vegans and some vegetarians.  Supplementation can interact with some medications. Quality Taurine Supplements are essential. Check with your doctor if you are taking medications to reduce your blood pressure, or if you are taking lithium.

Get further advice from one of our naturopaths anytime

“I would always consider taurine if someone is wanting to try and lower their blood pressure” Julia our naturopath

Come and visit Bodywise, describe what health problems you are experiencing and we will choose a formula that will cover your needs.

Are you up for a spring clean and detox for your mood and wellbeing?

We grow, mature in spring and summer, hopefully for decades, and then slow down into the autumn and winter of our lives. The seasons impact us in many ways for better and worse.

Spring is the beginning to grow, refresh and restore after winter and get ready for the adventures of summer.

Physically and psychologically, we are adapting to these seasonal challenges unconsciously unless they make us uncomfortable in some way.

The renewal of spring

Mood and body changes

Back in the darker shorter days of winter you may have experienced some doom and gloom. The symptoms of SAD resemble an energy-conserving strategy (Levitan, 2022): increased eating and sleep, decreased motivation and productivity, and cognitive impairments in learning, memory, and visual-spatial ability.

Associated with SAD, Vitamin D deficiency is a problem. Its symptoms include, among others, aching bones, brain fog and dark moods. With the more frequent incidence of viral infections (associated with Vitamin D deficiencies) we may find the lingering consequences of this deficiency creates chronic health problems.

Here comes the sun!

Now if you are feeling brighter than a few months ago and cannot put in down to winning lotto or something fabulous, there is a good reason. Back in winter we humans experience hibernation vaguely similar to bears! In winter we generally hunker down and are less likely to get outside. Now we are rising with the energy of spring and research suggests our happiness scores are highest in the spring.

We have more daylight hours for socialising, gardening, being outdoors and looking forward to the sunny holiday season. This often sets us up for a better sleep and life looks rosier and even work may not seem so exhausting.

However the feeling of joy does not come to all and that’s when we know that something about our lifestyle, diet, health issues and behaviours needs tweaking.

So firstly – its time for a Spring Clean inside and out

Get outside

Seems obvious! Even 10 – 30 minutes of pulling weeds or doing yard work can boost the energy, stretch and tone our muscles, relieve mental stress, oxygenate our brains and generally lift our happy hormones. This is especially important for those fixed to computers and phones and those reliant of the help of others to get them outside.

Are you eating well?

Every culture on the planet has thrived on nature’s food which never came in a box or plastic bag.  Plant a few vegetables and herbs in bucket or garden to have totally fresh foods at your fingertips. Gardening is beneficial in so many ways and extends back into our evolution.

When it gets warmer we often want to switch to lighter fresh vegetables, lovely berries that are just perfect to fill up on all the nutrients and their powerful anti-oxidants that help us detox and stay well. Always keep up the protein foods and fats that keep us strong.

Time for a spring clean and detox inside and out

Do you still have allergies and hay fever? All those gorgeous spring flowers come with their pollens. The dreadful dust and mould (fungus) in your linen, curtains, carpets, offices, cars and even inside you, needs to be gone for the good of everyone’s health

Cleaning is exercise – that’s a win win!

A spring detox from alcohol anyone?

Yes, its relaxing and fun for awhile … but  … in general it is pro-inflammatory and will not lift your spirit for long, will deplete your vitamins and more. Importantly alcohol will damage a healthy immune system. Each drink contains approximately 100-150 empty calories!

How is your immune system?

Complications from lifestyle habits, infectious diseases such as influenza and colds, seasonal allergens and trauma can have lingering effects that challenge your immune system.

When the immune system mounts an inflammatory response it releases pro-inflammatory cytokines, that affect the peripheral (the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord) and central nervous system resulting in cognitive and behavioural changes including “reduced motor activity and social withdrawal”. This process may contribute to the development of depression and link inflammation to negative mood states and major depressive disorders and auto-immune conditions.

So what can you do to rediscover your mojo and see the glass half full?

After checking in with the spring clean and diet review above, topping up with all the lovely berries and vegetables you could arrange for some blood tests and if possible include vitamin D and Zinc.

Come and talk with us about how the naturopathic and herbal approaches may give you the lift you need. We like to see those blood tests to help us understand your symptoms better, so feel free to bring them along.

To conclude: enjoy truly pampering your body with sunshine, movement, beautiful food and gratitude for the amazing body to travel around in.

Swollen adenoids and enlarged tonsils are way too common in children leading to snoring, poor sleep, and further immune problems such as glue ear and constant upper respiratory problems. As a result of the fatigue, pain and general un-wellness, daytime behavioural issues and difficulties with learning may occur.

The adenoids are located in the very back of the roof of the mouth and the tonsils at the back of the throat. When enlarged tonsils are visible as 2 balls of tissue at the back of the throat behind and above the tongue. Both are made of lymphatic tissue and their primary purpose is to provide the body’s first line of immune defence to trap bacteria and viruses that enter through the nose or mouth. Under normal healthy conditions, these tissues are invisible to the eye. The image below shows the anatomy of the ears nose and throat area really well and how connected they all are. Thanks to Saint Luke’s Health System for the image.

The question is why is a child or an adult getting infections like this?

The obvious triggers are bacterial and viral infections inhaled or ingested. Also consider a poor quality diet that weakens the immune system. Spring time allergens and everyday chemical pollutants may damage the delicate skin tissue inside the ears, mouth, nose and throat. Here is one pollutant to think about – especially in babies and children – swimming in chlorinated pools, is linked to lung problems! Environmental causes; (mould, mites, vaping, smoking, synthetic perfumes, new curtains and carpets etc) are causes that can be avoided when we know what they are.

Treating chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis and ear infections with surgical interventions is essential in many long standing cases but waiting for the operations takes time. Sometimes years of waiting! Ear infections left untreated will likely result in grommets that help keep the eustacian tube open to avoid intense infections such as Otitis Media. That’s something everyone should avoid!

Adenoiditis Tonsillitis 
Enlargement of the adenoid is known as adenoiditis. Enlargement of the tonsils is known as tonsillitis. 
Adenoiditis is common in children. Around 5 years of age adenoids will usually shrink. Tonsillitis is common in children and can remain a problem into adulthood. 
Symptoms: stuffy nose, ear pain, breathing through the mouth and snoring. Grey yellowish coated tongue.Symptoms: fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, white or yellow spots, swelling and redness of the tonsils. Coated tongue
Complications: frequent episodes of sinusitis, ear and chest infections. If a ear is discharging fluid always contact your doctor and then see us!Complications: chronic sinus infections, peritonsillar abscess. Always contact your  doctor for assessment and then see us!

What can a parent do?

This is a problem that will often affect the whole family due to interrupted sleep and the sharing of these reoccurring infections.

Thankfully natural options are available. With lots of persistence, treating the earliest signs of a cold, hay fever or allergies may reduce the likelihood of further problems such as sinusitis, otitis media (middle ear infections) general sickness and excessive amounts of antibiotics.

Herbal Tonics for children and adults

If taken very often at the first sign of a problem, gargling with and consuming these powerful antimicrobial herbs can provide relief of sore throats, and may reduce or stall the infections. You have to keep up regular doses for best results

Some of our favourite herbs

Contact us for specific product advice or drop by between 10 am and 5pm

Nutrients for oral health

Home remedies for Swollen Adenoids and enlarged Tonsils

Home remedies can help to alleviate the pain and discomfort.

Food and Fluids

Natural Treatment for Enlarged Adenoids, Tonsils and Ear Infections

ConclusionStart early and be persistent with treating all infections

Your child’s well-being can influence many aspects of their and your life. Remember that cold wind any season and swimming may easily trigger ear and throat infections, especially in babies and toddlers!

Treatment without surgery is often possible using the methods above and in consultation with your GP. These remedies may not be the permanent answer for some children and adults and the best treatment may be a surgical adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy. For those who do eventually have the surgery, the removal of the chronically infected tissue can greatly improve general health. Thankfully we have options!

Many of us have regretted overeating late at night or drinking too much when it results in a night of belching, bloating and acid reflux. Long term this is no joke blokes, party goers, big eaters and those who are stressed!

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) influences patients’ general health, physical and emotional abilities and activities. Heartburn or reflux has many causes. From lifestyle habits to inadequate or too much hydrochloric acid (HCL) secreted in the stomach, to pregnancy and a host of other illnesses.

HCL is an essential acid that assists protein digestion, inhibits undesirable pathogens (bugs) in the stomach and protects the small intestine from bugs, yeasts and more. HCL encourages the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes that assist the breakdown and ultimately the absorption of nutrients from our food including folate, vitamin B12, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, iron, and some forms of calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Studies have shown that hydrochloric acid secretion from the stomach lining starts within hours after birth, peaking in our 30’s and declines with advancing age.

Overproduction of HCL is also of concern as it can create inflammation and ulceration of the stomach and oesophageal lining. This may be a result of medications (the body tries to compensate for the lack of HCL), stress and other imbalances and illness. The over use of antacids or acid blockers leading to low levels of hydrochloric acid can result in poor protein digestion, inflammatory bowel issues and reduced nutritional absorption.

Acid reflux (GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease) occurs when stomach juices containing HCL and an enzyme called pepsin flows back up into the oesophagus – food pipe and up towards the mouth. If not corrected early reflux will likely create inflammation that damages the valve (sphincter). Named Erosive Esophagitis, (EE) is one of the most common complications of GERD and at its worst may result in cancer of the oesophagus.

The gastroesophageal sphincter is a muscle at the intersection of the oesophagus (esophagus – is the American spelling) to the stomach that normally acts as a valve letting food into the stomach when we eat then swallow food. Like other valves in our veins and heart they do not let fluids go backwards, until they cannot close off properly. When we vomit the valve is forced open! With continued stressful eating with or without vomiting and unhealthy lifestyle habits this valve may weaken and eventually fail. The stomach contents are regurgitated back into the oesophagus, creating symptoms of acid reflux (GERD). Acid reflux causes an internal burning sensation (heart burn), a sensation of something stuck or a sour taste in the back of the throat and oesophagus. It is now thought the certain coughs, sinus and dental issues are associated with indigestion and Gerd.

Highly processed fatty, salty and or spicy foods, grains and other foods (and other acidic foods like orange juice, tomato sauce, coffee chocolate, peppermint! and more) may aggravate acid reflux. Other factors that can cause or increase reflux include being overweight, smoking, alcohol, eating disorders, bulimia, stress and anxiety. Eating fast, on the go and large meals anytime or close to bedtime make reflux much worse. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some medications and pregnancy and lower levels of HCL and Pepsin enzymes) are other causes. Unfortunately oesophageal or gastric surgery and simply getting older can be other causes.

Occasional episodes may be relieved with over the counter antacids to reduce the acidity of the stomach. However these medications do not repair the inflammation to the valve, oesophagus or deal with the underlying causes. Long term frequent use of antacids can have harmful side effects: constipation, diarrhoea and food sensitivity and nutritional deficiencies (anaemia). Antacids (some contain aluminium) may also cause calcium loss which is not good for our bones and may lead to osteoporosis.

Stress is another significant cause of reflux. “ Anxiety and depression were significantly higher in patients with GERD, particularly those who also reported concerns of chest pain. Measures should be taken to reduce the stress and anxiety of GERD patients to cope with their daily life activities and improve their quality of life”. Stress appears to relax the sphincter and increase production of HCL.

What can we do to reduce indigestion and reflux ?

Lifestyle comes first – It’s often all up to us!

  • Eat a little, sit up a little longer! Eat healthy food slowly in smaller amounts with occasional treats
  • Let your body digest your food for two to three hours before lying down. HCL is generated within one hour of eating so it is very good to be up and about after a meal
  • Do not wear clothing that constricts the abdomen. Added upward pressure on the stomach may cause acid to back up into the oesophagus
  • Get on to programme to reduce weight if needed
  • Keep a food journal to understand the foods eaten and time of day symptoms arise. This includes alcohol!
  • Do not eat close to exercise or heavy lifting
  • Find solutions to reduce stress
  • Reduce coffee, alcohol and unnecessary medications if life style modifications and herbal medicines can be used as the first option.

For those with chronic daily indigestion and reflux it’s a more complex management programme

Our digestive enzymes break down our food really well so that we can absorb lots of wonderful nutrition to keep us strong and healthy. Therefore any suppression of our digestive process can have quite an effect on our health in the long term. The natural health perspective on wellness starts with a healthy digestion and therefore lifestyle habits.

The following information is for those that really do have problems that are not sorted by eating healthy food at the right times of the day, not night!

For those taking common medications for GERD or Reflux (such as PPI’s, Omiperazole) we can suggest various herbs and supplements to work alongside your medications and help to repair inflammation in the oesophagus or stomach (gastritis). No one should abruptly change their medications and we strongly recommend that you completely understand the actions and long term issues that may be associated with medications, natural digestive aides and not embracing a healthy eating style.

Herbs and Supplements

Thankfully there are specifically designed natural remedies for reflux using herbs and nutrients to provide rapid support for indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, and an upset or a sour stomach.  And unlike some over the counter medications, no aluminium or other harmful ingredients.

Hoheria, Marshmallow root and Slippery Elm bark all contain polysaccharides providing mucilaginous properties to soothe inflamed linings of the digestive tract while ginger root, papaya fruit and liquorice root work together to aid digestion. Dandelion and Gentian also help to aid your digestion and breakdown of your food.

Melissa, Valerian, St Johns Wort, Kawakawa, Chamomile and Saffron are all possible inclusions in a herbal tonic to reduce the effects of stress. Pregnant women can use herbal medicine with supervision by a herbalist or naturopath.

Natural remedies for acid reflux can create a buffer, reduce acidity of the stomach acid (a little) and help support the lining of the gastroesophageal sphincter and oesophagus.

Calcium carbonate – for serious indigestion and in small amounts – helps buffer acidity and Alginic acid (which converts to sodium alginate) helps to maintain the mucous lining of the oesophagus.

Sodium alginate is a natural polysaccharide extracted from brown algae – brown seaweed (Laminaria hyperborea). Sodium alginate is effective for suppressing reflux. Alginates may be a good alternative to PPIs for on-demand treatment from babies to pregnancy and adults.

How do alginates work?

It takes several hours to raise the intragastric pH above 4 after the first dose of PPIs (85), while Alginates have a unique mode of action that provide quick relief.

When sodium alginate mixes with the acid in your stomach, it forms a “raft” that floats on the top of your stomach contents. This creates a physical barrier over your stomach contents, which stops the excess stomach fluids containing acid coming back up into your oesophagus (food pipe) – helping to soothe symptoms of reflux and indigestion.

Caution: Calcium carbonate is known to effect the absorption of some medications. You should take other medicines one hour before or at least four hours after taking any antacid to prevent interactions. Also get advice if you have kidney and cardiac problems, have osteoporosis or are on any medications.

Treatment with an alginate product may reduce other digestive acids of pepsin and bile in your stomach contents that can contribute to reflux symptom. Therefore addressing the cause is the first priority and take only if needed!

Can I take an antacid if I’m pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant?

Heartburn in pregnancy is common and it’s usually safe to take reflux and indigestion remedies while pregnant. Acid reflux in pregnancy is due to the hormone progesterone that relaxes joints and sphincters in the body, including the sphincter between the oesophagus and stomach.  The pressure on the stomach due to the enlarging uterus. Both factors resulting in reflux!

Thankfully taking natural antacids short term during pregnancy, while you pay attention to what and when you eat can greatly improve quality of life for a pregnant mum. Alginates are safe and very useful, act quickly and can be used as an on-demand therapy. It is also important to check the ingredients and don’t take more than the daily recommended dosage. For those less fortunate, the nausea and reflux symptoms do not finish at the end of the first trimester and may be far more serious. Always check in with your midwife and GP.

So If you have read all the way to the end of this post and have any questions please get in touch

This article is in not prescriptive as each person will have requirements unique to their health condition. Consult your healthcare professional or Bodywise to see what we can suggest for your reflux and any associated health concerns.

Heart warming herbs can be so helpful during the coldest of months to help promote circulation to our cold hands and feet.

For many people Hawthorn (berries) containing anti-oxidant properties may regulate the rate and quality of the heart’s contractions improving circulation to your heart muscle and blood flow through out the body. Ginger warms and reduces inflammation. 

Other wonderful herbs to promote circulation may include:

Cayenne, Crampbark, Dan Shen, Dong Quai, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Horopito, Kawakawa, Prickly Ash and more.

Even if you are on medications, many herbal medicines can be used to give you a warming boost providing you have the supervision of your herbal and naturopath and your doctor.

Bodywise invites you to enjoy a cup of energising tea while learning how herbals medicine can stimulate your cardiovascular system to not just keep warm but also;

There are various nutritional supplements and creams for inflammed skin from cold weather to promote healing.

If this sounds familiar, then visit Bodywise and find solutions from our medical herbalists and naturopaths.

Natural support for chest & lung health.

Flexi-Breathe Lemon & Ginger Syrup,

Try this tasty, effective and natural support for dry, tickly airways and breathing difficulties. Flexi-Breathe helps to sooth the throat and support healthy breathing and respiratory function. contains a propriety blend of New Zealand Mussell oil, lemon, ginger and manuka in a soothing syrup. Flexi-Breathe contains our own NZ Green Lipped Mussel Oil, Supernol® and NZ Mānuka Honey.

Who is it for?

All ages and has a great taste, People seeking natural, healthy airways support, Day or night, Suitable for ongoing use. For those who have a post viral cough that will not go away. Can be used alongside Supernol Capsules

What is it for?

Support chest & lung health, Soothes dry, tickly airways, Soothes and calms the throat, Promotes healthy breathing for a good night’s sleep.

Try before exercise if you have had a respiratory illness to promote healthy breathing and during the pollen season.

Made in NZ – Sustainably sourced from mussel farms in the Marlborough Sounds and extracted in Havelock, OmegaFlex’s Supernol® contains naturally occurring marine lipids. Can be used alongside Supernol Capsules



Keep out of reach of children. Store in cool, dry space below 25C, shake well before each use and refrigerate once opened and use within one month of opening. Keep away from sunlight. Do not take if you have an allergy to shellfish. Use only as directed.

Glutathione is one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants and is critical for maintaining good health and slowing the effects living and ageing and and acute or chronic disease.

Anti-oxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals*. Free radicals are a result of normal body processes however may play a part in autoimmune and respiratory illness, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases of aging. Antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins A, C, and E, Zinc and Selenium and other natural  and manufactured substances such as Glutathione and NAC.

When we are young and healthy our body produces glutathione in abundance. Formed from proteins amino acid cysteine, glycine and glutamine, it is  important for maintaining the health of the liver, and its normal detoxification process. Glutathione levels change through out the day and as we age, our levels reduce by around 10% per decade.

Our liver can become quite overloaded by highly processed fatty foods (fatty liver), a moderate intake of alcohol and drugs and some conventional drugs even if they play an important role in our health. The exposure and absorption of heavy metals and environmental toxins also take a toll on our liver function.

Glutathione plays a vital role in the function and health of the immune system, helps protect DNA and regulate cell division, and recycles other antioxidants in the body.

So its a good idea to review your lifestyle, get enough sleep, top up with a general supplement and if you tick any of the boxes above buy Glutathione supplement from a reputable brand and preferably in a liposomal formulation for maximum absorption. This will all help to keep your body and immune system healthy and strong.

*Free radicals are unstable molecules made by the process of oxidation during normal metabolism and are also the by-products of stress, radiation, environmental toxins, and poor diet.

Bodywise attracts a wide variety folk from all walks of life and that goes for our team as well.  Individually, all of us at Bodywise chose to be vaccinated.

To compliment vaccination,  we know how effective herbal medicine is for all stages of infections including post infection fatigue and complications that may arise. We have addressed these issues for the last 17 years.

The amazing herbs and supplements that we offer our Bodywise people are also our first steps to keeping infections from taking hold, and limiting duration and complications. Do get your herbs into your home so you can regularly take them from the early onset of symptoms.

How we will continue to operate in Level Orange

As a close contact business, we will see you all in our entrance way as we have operated during the last few months.  We are not required to check vaccine passports, however we request everyone wear a mask and cooperates with our interpretation of the government regulations.  Even if you have a legitimate health department mask exemption please be reassured we will attend to your requests. Just let us know and we will accommodate your requests on a case by case basis.

Should it be necessary for you or Bodywise to go contactless please remember we will be able to provide your health products requests via the contact page on our website.

Simply go to Bodywise Nelson / contact page. Mini phone or Zoom consults for full consultations will be available, so feel  free to get in touch.

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”Contact Us” ]

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are all doing our best to support and lift each other up through these challenging times.

Alert Level 2 info for customers at Bodywise

Many of you will have noticed we are operating on a 1 in 1 out policy

Beautiful eyes are really making their mark now we live with a mask on.

Here are some tips on eye make-up for those who wear glasses from Dr Hauschk


Glasses make the eyes appear bigger and closer to the nose so the impact of makeup is more intense.  Choose eyeshadow in muted, darker colours and avoid bright, shimmering shades. The Eye & Brow Palette is ideal. Use graduated shading to draw the eyes further away from the nose: A brighter colour on the inner eyelid and a darker colour on the outer eyelid to stretch the eye outwards. Use Liquid Eyeliner in black or brown. Do not over-apply Mascara to your lashes, instead apply Defining Mascara subtly.


Glasses make the eyes appear smaller.  Use bright, shimmering eyeshadow colours to make them look larger. A boldly applied, bright or shimmery Eyeshadow on the entire lid works well. Define your eyes with Eye Definer on the upper lashes only and extend the line beyond the eye in a flick to make it appear larger.  Avoid applying too much Mascara or Eye Definer on the bottom lashes as it will make the eyes appear smaller. Applying a bright Eyeshadow shade under the lower lash line can also help make eyes look larger and Eye Definer 00 nude on the lower inner eyelid opens the eye optically. Finish with a generous application of Volume Mascara on the upper lashes.

Glasses with progressive lenses

As glasses with progressive lenses do not change the eyes optically, all eye makeup products are suitable.

And to keep the eye tissue clean and moisturised take a look at the healing properties of Dr Hauschka’s Eye Balm and Regenerating Eye Cream – we can give you a sample at Bodywise

Going down with a bug never happens between 9 and 5. So getting prepared with a natural health kit at home and in your garden is time well spent.

At Bodywise our home kit includes common supplements such as Vitamin C, D3, Zinc. These all aid healing and assist our immune system to do the job its evolved to do, get us well. Want to read a paper on this?


Then we have the beautiful and well researched herbs that have properties that that help our body to fight infections. Our well known V-Ease Herbal Tonic contains many useful herbs and has been the go to for our Bodywise folk for the last decade. Right now our Stress Ease Tonic soothes and uplifts stressed minds and bodies. Instead of a glass or two of wine, try something far more productive.

From our dispensary we can tailor make for everyone:

Oregano, Thyme, Mint, Sage
Oregano, Thyme, Mint, Sage make a wonderful supportive tea during chills and ills

The key is to have herbs at home for when you get that “I’m coming down with something” feeling or the worry and sleep loss is getting to you.

Take care with identification and any contra-indications with herbs, supplements, medicines or allergies. Know what and why you are taking them!

Lastly, its never about only taking natural medicine – go to you doctor before things get serious!

Hi folk,

Thanks for all your support as we adapt to Level 2

Continue to make enquiries via our contact page.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Hello Bodywise folk,

We are so looking forward to seeing your faces, mixing herbs and providing the services we can provide.

Aren’t we so thankful for all the hard work put in by so many people to make Level 3 happen.

So on Wednesday we are allowed to offer a collection of your products – we are very pleased about that.

This is how it works for us:

We will try courier to you that day, if possible and if you send a screen shot of the bank payment for your purchases that will speed the process up.

Go well and many thanks for your email and support.

Sally and Bridget

Stress , burnout, exhaustion and fatigue are way to common producing a physical and psychological burden that significantly impacts day-to-day lives, work and home life.

At Bodywise, our role is to recognise the differences between physical and psychological fatigue in each person by coming to know the underlying drivers of each persons’ burnout and fatigue.

Using well researched treatments and health plans we can formulate safe individualised treatment plans for lasting relief from burnout. This includes children, teens and those on medications.

Naturopathic strategies look at all body systems (immune, hormonal, digestive, skeletal etc) and how they are functioning individually, and how your life events and lifestyle are affecting you.

This may include asking you to get blood tests for common nutrient deficiencies, hormonal levels, and general blood work.

Our herbalist can then provide combinations of liquid herbs, powdered or tableted herbal and nutritional therapies. For some we will suggest a consultation, however we always work to help anyone no matter what they can afford either in time or financially.

And, if you are pregnant or breast feeding we have safe herbs that can help restore energy and mood and productivity.

Come on in and we will advise a strategy to recover energy and well-being

Kia Ora Bodywise people

So here we are again in level 4.

We do hope you are going well in your bubbles and can enjoy the next few days even if you are working at home.

Lockdown is a great time to discover the herbs (see below) in your pantry, garden and neighbourhood for spring sniffles, especially as Bodywise is not deemed essential during level 4 and will remain closed    

However, free Naturopathic advice is available through the contact page.

Our  contact page on our website continues to be open for queries and in level 3 products may be couriered.  We will keep you posted on Facebook and via our website

Please note that any non-essential items cannot be delivered during this lockdown period and will be delivered when we leave lockdown.

We will be maintaining hygiene standards requested by government to always ensure the highest standard of cleanliness in the store and as the level dictates.

Now back to the herbs ….

Got a sniffle and need help now

No one saw this lockdown coming, so check your cupboards for remanent herbs and supplements and our ViralEase.

If you find yourself with a cold or cough, different from the one that remains nameless, see what you can find at home.

From Italian herbs and Moroccan spices in your pantry, to herbs in your garden and neighbourhood, you may have relief at your finger tips

Look for lavender, thyme, sage, manuka, nettle (use gloves) and kawakawa.  Give them a rinse to remove the pollens floating around first.

It’s simple to make – grab about a cup full of any or all fresh herbs – place in a smallish saucepan and gently simmer for about 15 minutes.  Strain off about a centimetre of gorgeous herbal tea into a mug and sip straight or dilute in hot or cold water. For kids add to a little fruit juice or make an ice block!  Drink frequently from your stock pot of nature’s powerful herbs.  Sage is not used for women who a breast feeding.

Of course, don’t forget garlic, parsley, lemon and ginger to make a lovely addition to your tea or to amp up your salad dressing or meals. Also add more thyme and rosemary to your meals and maybe a simple lavender tea to see you into the night hours

Sunshine is solar power for mood and Vitamin D, so exposure as much of your body as possible for about 15 minutes either side and then get dressed without having a shower and washing away all the oils and Vitamin D you have created.

So best wishes and thank you for your understanding and ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Enjoy your bubble and hopefully more time to breathe more deeply and discover the herbs all around you. Just make sure they are the right ones!  Google is handy for identifying them or send a photo to me via Facebook Paage and I can check for you.

Sally and Bridget

Dehydrated skin and dry skin are not the same. Dryness is caused by a lack of natural oil in the skin, while dehydration means your skin lacks water. It is possible to have both dry and dehydrated skin.

Skin tends to be driest during hot dry summers and cold dry winters and air conditioning!

Dry and dehydrated skin is often a temporary or seasonal problem — one that you experience during cold winters or hot dry summers. Unfortunately for some the problem may remain a lifelong problem and is associated with certain occupations.

Signs and symptoms will depend on your age, health status, living environment, the amount of time you spend outdoors and the specific cause of your problem. Common symptoms include:

Potential causes of dry skin anywhere on the body include:

These steps can help keep your skin moist and healthy:

As many of you know we love Dr Hauschka Skin Care and the biodynamic and fair trade practice that is the foundation of all their beautiful products. Check out this great blog from Dr Hauschka Australia

All their products are available at Bodywise along with a great range of therapeutic skin care products.

As we age and with a lack of exercise we might find ourselves wishing we could touch our toes again.

We may experience stiffness that is worse during winter months when it’s colder outside and it takes more time to get up and going.

Stiffness of our muscles and joints may be as a result of a lack of movement, nutrient deficiencies or inflammation. Muscles become stiff when a muscle or a group of muscles stay contracted or partly contracted for an extended period. The brain continues to send nerve signals telling the muscle to contract even when the muscle is no longer needed for movement.

Movement such as walking, exercise programmes, yoga, swimming and dancing are all great ways to keep the signals firing up to the brain and avoid muscle rigidity.

Sedentary behaviour such as sitting at a desk all day could also contribute to stiff and achy muscles. Standing up, walking around, doing a few squats and stretching every hour will do your body (and mind!) wonders.

As well as movement there are a handful of nutrients that will assist your body to limber up.

Here are our top tips after getting up and moving:

Of course ensuring you are getting quality sleep and a balanced diet will also have you doing downward dog in no time.

For more information come and see us and we will help you touch your toes again!

Winter is here and its time to support our respiratory health over the colder months, before the allergies appear in spring.

NZ grows some key respiratory herbs thanks to Phytomed and at Bodywise we can provide them as tailored made liquid tonics for little people to old people.

get your winter herbs from Bodywise

Our growing and atmospheric conditions in NZ have produced high quality herbs. Our top herbs for winter ailments that affect the lungs are:

Echinacea  Research shows it increases the number of white blood cells, which fight infections. Inulin-like fructans, also found in foods such as onion and garlic, acts as a prebiotic that in turn improves immunity through promoting healthy gut bacteria.

Kumerahou (Pomaderris kumerahou) is a well-known native herb used local Maori folk who shared the information with earlier settlers. This wonderful herb can help dislodge persistent mucous in respiratory conditons. 

Elecampane (Inula Helenium) – native to Europe and East Asia this amazing herb has a well-documented history of use as both a food and medicine for respiratory complaints. 

Volatile oils, relax and warm the lungs  while also providing antiseptic and expectorant actions, suitable for a wide range of dry to wet coughs.

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) – Early records show horseradish was used since the 13th century in Scandinavia, 

New Zealand-grown Horseradish is rich in medicinal glucosinolates and contains a small amount of strong volatile oils to support irritated and congested respiratory airways, encouraging the expulsion of excess mucus . It also acts to stimulate circulation and has a gentle warming action.

We would also suggest pre-winter that you top up on vitamins C and Zinc and have herbs ready to go at the first sign of trouble

The idea that the lunar cycle can affect people’s behaviour dates back thousands of years.

Full moon in Nelson

If the moon can exert potent effects on our seas, wildlife and plants what can it do to people, their mood, mental health, sleep and cells? Right now, the data is not definitive.

However one study has reported that in the days before a full moon, people go to sleep later in the evening and sleep for shorter periods of time. May be that is why do not wake refreshed? Another study suggests women are more effected than men. In another some people with a Bi-polar may become more manic than ususal.

Could it be that the patterns observed are an adaptation that allowed our ancestors to take advantage of this natural source of night light. More research is needed.

So if you notice changes with your mind and body, its helpful to know that they will pass as our circadian rhythms change within each day and throughout the lunar cycles and seasons.

If symptoms such as water retention, mood and sleep changes or anything else are problematic we can offer a herbal tonic to help your restore normal balance.
